Merchandise Profile

Everything that is sold in netFORUM is considered a product. Only physical inventory products are considered Merchandise. In netFORUM, Merchandise is any physically tangible product that you want to track or sell.

Merchandise Profile Information

The Merchandise Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
product code Displays the user-created code for this product. Click the drop-down arrow to see the product description.
start date Displays the date that this product was entered into netFORUM.
end date Displays the date that this product will be removed from netFORUM.
product name Displays the full name of the product.
category TBD
subcategory TBD
format TBD
taxable flag? Displays Yes or No. Displays Yes if this product is subject to taxes, and No if this product is not taxable.
weight Displays the weight of this product in pounds.
sell online? Displays Yes or No. Displays Yes if this product is offered on eWeb, and No if this product is not offered on eWeb.
post to web date Displays the user-entered date the product should be posted to eWeb.
remove from web Displays the user-entered date the product should be removed from eWeb.
new until Displays a user-entered date. The product is featured as a new product on eWeb starting on the post to web date and ending on the new until date.
commodity code TBD

Send Via & Online Information

The Merchandise Profile, Send Via & Online Information section displays the following information:

Field Description
mail? Displays Yes or No.
email? Displays Yes or No.
fax? Displays Yes or No.
microfiche? Displays Yes or No.
web? Displays Yes or No.

G/L & Inventory Information

The Merchandise Profile, G/L & Inventory Information section displays the following information:

Field Description
track inventory? Displays Yes or No. Displays Yes if netFORUMis keeping track of inventory and whether the item is out of stock, and no if netFORUMis not tracking inventory.
allow back orders? Displays Yes or No. Displays Yes if customers can back order this item, and No if customers cannot back order this item.
allow partial shipments? Displays Yes or No.
order TBD
business unit Displays the user-selected business unit that sells this product.
project Displays the user-selected project within the business unit that sells this product.
cogs account Displays the user-selected account that tracks the cost of goods sold.
inventory account Displays the user-selected account that tracks the assets that are merchandise.
damaged goods Displays the user-selected account that tracks the expense that comes from damaged inventory.

Merchandise Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Merchandise Profile:

  • Edit the profile.
  • Select keywords that go with this piece of merchandise.
  • Edit web information.
  • Re-allocate inventory.

Merchandise Child Forms

The child forms section of the Merchandise Profile is divided into five tabs. Each tab contains child forms with information related to the Merchandise Profile.

The following tabs are available:

  • Affiliated Products
  • Credits
  • Inventory
  • Miscellaneous
  • Price

Affiliated Products Tab

Use the Affiliated Products tab to view and add products that are related to this merchandise. The Affiliated Products tab has the following child forms:

  • complementary product
  • substitute products
  • prerequisites
  • packages containing this product

Credits Tab

Use the Credits tab to view and add product credits. The Credits tab has the following child form: the product credits child form.

Inventory Tab

Use the Inventory tab view and add details about the inventory and vendors for this merchandise. The Inventory tab has the following child forms:

  • inventory
  • vendor

Miscellaneous Tab

Use the Miscellaneous tab to view various details about this merchandise such as shipping region, history, and customer reviews. You can also add shipping regions and merchandise interests to this merchandise from the Miscellaneous tab. The Miscellaneous tab has the following child forms:

  • shipping region
  • merchandise interest(s)
  • bundle (component of)
  • customer product review
  • history

Price Tab

Use the Price tab to view and add price information about this merchandise. From the price child form, you can add prices and price attributes for this merchandise item. The Price tab has the following child form: the price child form.